Collinsville, IL
Business Manager and
Financial Secretary: Chris Hankins
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IBEW Local 309




 As IBEW members, we are proud of the work we do and we want to let people know about the quality products we manufacture. We brought IBEW members together with one mission: to provide consumers a place to find all our products. Please visit this link for more information:


HOURS: 7:00am to 4:30pm.


We are Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Teledata Electricians, Utility and Outside Lineman, Line Clearance, Garage Mechanics, Meterman, Warehouseman, Meter Readers, Manufacturing, Maintance workers, Radio/Television/Sound/ and Public Address Technicians, approximately 1300 members strong.

Our jurisdiction consists of all of Monroe and St.Clair Counties, most of  Madison, Macoupin and Clinton Counties and parts of Montgomery, Bond, Washington and Randolph. Many of these areas are rural, but our mainstays are the U.S. Steel, Scott Air Force Base, and St.Clair Square shopping center.

The IBEW along with our contractors association (NECA) jointly sponsor an apprenticeship program (NJATC) that is second to none in the training of all types of Electrical Workers. This training provides the base for the most qualified electricians available. The NJATC also provides continual journeyman upgrade training. We also work with American Line Builders and A.L.B.A.T. for the premier training of our Lineman. IBEW Local 309 was chartered in 1902 and our membership prides itself in the fact that we expect and maintain the highest standards of quality, workmanship and loyalty to the IBEW and it's signatory contractors.

We welcome all fellow Brothers and Sisters of our trade who have the same goals and expectations to sign our Books. We earnestly invite all workers belonging to our trade to comeforward, join our ranks and help increase our numbers until there shall be no one working at our trade outside of the brotherhood. If you would care to join us contact Dustin Grice. If you have comments on the content of this web page please direct them here.


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