Collinsville, IL
Business Manager and
Financial Secretary: Chris Hankins

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List of Current Officers


President John Garrett
Vice President Tyler Mueth
Recording Secretary Dave Rhymer
Treasurer Jason McIntyre
Business Manager/Financial Secretary Chris Hankins
Assistant Business Manager Steve Duft
Assistant Business Manager Mark Link
Assistant Business Manager Carlos perez
 Assistant Business Manager/Organizer Dustin Grice  

 Executive Board Members

Executive Board, At Large Andrew Riebold
Executive Board, Wireman Stephen Erspamer
Executive Board, Lineman Brian Hutson
Executive Board, Lineman Mike Meinhardt
Executive Board, Wireman Steve Lodes
Executive Board, Wireman Jake Albers
Executive Board, Lineman Ron Scott
Executive Board, At Large Adam Biagi

Examining Board Members

Examining Board, Wireman Josh Stewart
Examining Board, Lineman Jeremy Carron
Examining Board, Lineman Josh Jenkins
Examining Board, Wireman Joe Varvera           









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